Eliminating the time-consuming and tedious chores associated with bill paying
Our bill paying service eliminates the time-consuming and tedious chores associated with paying bills. You won’t have to drag your checkbook and mail around with you so that you can pay a bill or two in a spare moment. Your bills will come directly to us and they’ll be paid on time. You won’t have to waste time quibbling with “customer service” to rectify a discrepancy. We’ll reconcile the differences. You won’t have to spend endless hours compiling information for your accountant, attorney or banker. Your checking transactions will be completely organized and reported to you in a format of your choosing.
We will handle the entire bill paying process including: receiving and reviewing vendor invoices, verifying account balances, drafting checks, and mailing payments to assure timely receipt.
“You make our lives so much easier, we cannot thank you enough!” – LU, client since 2010
A L E X A N D E R , T R O Y & C O M P A N Y 914 . 767 . 0600
E – M A I L : P E T E R @ A L E X A N D E R T R O Y . C O M