Maintaining the balance between spending and saving
Perhaps you know someone who spends beyond his means or simply needs to become more aware of his spending habits. Many of us have parents or children or others whose cash flow management has become our responsibility. We can help you with this time-consuming and often delicate obligation.
Our budgeting service allows you to plan and monitor the inflows and outflows on a regular basis. First, we will assist you in developing the budget by reviewing historical cash flow information, assessing current conditions and making realistic projections. Once the budget is in place, we will record the actual transactions on a monthly basis and provide you with a report comparing the budgeted figures with the actual figures on a category by category basis.
All reports will be tailored to your specifications and periodic adjustments and revisions can be made as required. Our easy-to-read budget reports will assist you in managing day-to-day cash flow as well as help you plan for significant upcoming financial events.
A L E X A N D E R , T R O Y & C O M P A N Y 914 . 767 . 0600
E – M A I L : P E T E R @ A L E X A N D E R T R O Y . C O M