Releasing you from the administrative chores of rental property ownership
Do you enjoy getting calls from tenants at all hours of the day and night? Do you enjoy keeping track of financial minutiae to satisfy tax reporting requirements? As a landlord, you bear administrative and operational burdens that often seem to outweigh the benefits of rental property ownership. The simplest rentals can result in hours of paperwork and telephone calls.
Our property management service will free you from the administrative chores associated with paying the bills, collecting rents, and interfacing with tenants, realtors, plumbers, electricians, contractors and others. Our office will serve as your full service property manager. We can tailor our services to meet the seasonal needs of the vacation homeowner or the year-round needs of the multi-family dwelling owner and we effectively serve any level of property ownership. On a monthly basis, we will provide you with a full report that includes: rents collected, expenses paid, and any other noteworthy issues of concern to you. Since each situation requires customized services, a complete description of those services would result from a comprehensive analysis of your specific needs.
A L E X A N D E R , T R O Y & C O M P A N Y 914 . 767 . 0600
E – M A I L : P E T E R @ A L E X A N D E R T R O Y . C O M